2024 Fall Coach Registration is open!

Register Here!

We need coaches! Please register!

Verify the age group that you're interested in coaching here:  Season Age Matrix

To login please create a new account with a username and password if you do not already have one. We have a new system this year so you will need to create a new account. If you have any questions about registering as a coach please contact the registrar at registrar@aysc.com


Coaches no longer need to be cleared via Livescan but will have to complete a background screening through U.S. Club Soccer.  Please follow the instructions to complete your registration.  All coaches will receive a $50 discount for the child of the team they are coaching.

Assistant Coaches will be given a discount, based on the same application review and background clearances as Head Coaches, plus the requirement of a Head Coach officially designating the Assistant Coach with the Coach Coordinator and Registrar. However, only ONE Assistant Coach discount will be offered per team, regardless of the amount of coaches. 

Please contact Coach Coordinator Caitlin Riley coaches@aysc.com if you have any questions regarding coaching and thank you in advance for volunteering your time to Coach our kids this season!



If a player is injured at an AYSC event, please email (president@aysc.com)

with details of the incident and complete the online injury case report form*

(*We are US Soccer (Recreational) Club)